It takes up to 4 months to fully process your title deed after all necessary signatures.
The deed undergo a three stage process after signatures.
Stage 1. The GRA stage. In this stage, Your deed will be taken ti gra for clearance tax and stamp duty, Which is 2 percent of the total cost of your plot.
Stage 2. The sketch plan. In this stage, your deeed will be taken to Physical planning to get an area sketch plan attarched.
Stage 3. This is the final stage before issuing. its the registration stage. in this stage your deed will be taken to the ministry of justice for registration . after registration your deed will be stamped and a certificate of proof or awknowledgement before the registrer general will be attarched. then your deed will be ready for issuing.
And of course. There is a fast track incase your need is needed urgently . which can also be fasilitated based on conditions.